This is a free chess script from

Quiz 1 (piece type: "alpha") : White to move and win:

Quiz 2 (piece type: "merida") : White to move and win:

Quiz 3 (piece type: "smart") : White to move and win:

Quiz 4 (piece type: "motif") : White to move and win:

Quiz 5 (piece type: "cases") : White to move and win:

Quiz 6: (piece type: "leipzig") White to move and win:

Quiz 7: (piece type: "" - empty) White to move and win:

Quiz 8: White to move and win:

Quiz 9: White to move and win:

Quiz 10: White to move and win:

This is a very simple script used to display a chess board on a web page based on a FEN("Forsyth-Edwards Notation") string.

It's very easy to use. All you have to do is to create a DHTMLGoodies.ChessFen object and then describe the FEN string and where you want the board describing that FEN string to appear. The size of the board is 360x360 pixels.

This is an example of the code used to display a board:

<div id="boardDiv">
<script type="text/javascript">
var chessObj = new DHTMLGoodies.ChessFen(
{ pieceType: 'alpha',squareSize:45 }
); chessObj.loadFen( 'r1bq4/1p4kp/3p1n2/5pB1/p1pQ4/8/1P4PP/4RRK1 w - - 0 1', 'boardDiv' ); </script>

This is the code used to display the first board in this demo.