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Click on an element on the page(example the menu) to select it. Then select a color and click on the color from the color schemer to assign it to the selected web element.

Saepe oculos ideo quod semina possidet ignismulta, dolorem oculis quae gignunt insinuando.lurida praeterea fiunt quae cumque tuenturarquati, quia luroris de corpore eorumsemina multa fluunt simulacris obvia rerum, multaque sunt oculis in eorum denique mixta,quae contage sua palloribus omnia pingunt.

E tenebris autem quae sunt in luce tuemurpropterea quia, cum propior caliginis aërater init oculos prior et possedit apertos, insequitur candens confestim lucidus aër,qui quasi purgat eos ac nigras discutit umbrasaëris illius; nam multis partibus hic estmobilior multisque minutior et mage pollens.qui simul atque vias oculorum luce replevit atque pate fecit, quas ante obsederat aër, continuo rerum simulacra secuntur, quae sita sunt in luce, lacessuntque ut videamus. quod contra facere in tenebris e luce nequimuspropterea quia posterior caliginis aër crassior insequitur, qui cuncta foramina completobsiditque vias oculorum, ne simulacrapossint ullarum rerum coniecta moveri. Quadratasque procul

Click on a color

Click on a color

Use the sliders to select a color


Click on a color to assign


Split complementary:





Black and white:

Assign color to

This is a tool where you assign colors to elements on a web page.


To select an element: Click on it on the page. Example: Click on the menu and you will see a red rectangle around it indicating that it is selected.


To select a color: Select a web color, named color or by using the sliders. To assign a color to the selected element on the page, click on it in the color schemer


Note! This page is still experimental. Please suggest improvements by sending an email to post@dhtmlgoodies.com