Matches found: | |
Current pattern: | |
g | Global match |
i | Case insensitive |
\ | general escape character with several uses |
^ | assert start of subject (or line, in multiline mode) |
$ | assert end of subject (or line, in multiline mode) |
. | match any character except newline (by default) |
[ | start character class definition |
] | end character class definition |
| | start of alternative branch |
( | start subpattern |
) | end subpattern |
? | extends the meaning of (, also 0 or 1 quantifier, also quantifier minimizer |
* | 0 or more quantifier |
+ | 1 or more quantifier |
{ | start min/max quantifier |
} | end min/max quantifier |
Inside "character class": | |
\ | general escape character |
^ | negate the class, but only if the first character |
- | indicates character range |
] | terminates the character class |
\d | any decimal digit |
\D | any character that is not a decimal digit |
\s | any whitespace character |
\S | any character that is not a whitespace character |
\w | any "word" character |
\W | any "non-word" character |
\b | word boundary |
\B | not a word boundary |
\A | start of subject (independent of multiline mode) |
\Z | end of subject or newline at end (independent of multiline mode) |
\z | end of subject (independent of multiline mode) |
\G | first matching position in subject |
[0-9] | Matches digits |
\d | Equivalent to [0-9] |
[^0-9] | Matches any character except 0-9 |
ab|cd | Matches "ab" or "cd" |
\d{3} | Matches three digits |
\d+ | Matches one or more digits |
[a-z]+\d | One or more alphabetical characters followed by a digit |