Gallery scripts

Picture and Heading Roller

FF,IE, Chrome

Use this script to show the top stories of your site inside one single box. The script supports slide and fade animations.

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Image Gallery 2011

FF,IE, Chrome

This is search engine friendly image gallery script which is easy to use and highly customizable.

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Picture zoom effect

FF,IE, Chrome

Use this script to add zoom in/zoom out effects to pictures on your web page. It's easy to implement and does not require any Javascript knowledge at all.

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Slideshow with lamellar effect


Author: Peter Gehrig

Free JavaScript slideshow with impressive lamellar transition effect between the pictures.

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Gallery script by Chris Bolson


Author: Chris Bolson

A great gallery script based on "image slideshow2" can be found at .

Image slideshow 5


Last updated, August, 16th, 2010: Bugfix for the thumbnail slide.

Thumnbails are listed inside a box at the left. You can click on the thumbnails to bring up a larger version in a right side panel. You can move between strip of thumbnails by clicking on left and right arrows.

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Image slideshow with vertical filmstrip


Last updated, June. 4th: Added support for image captions

This script is based on the image slideshow script at the bottom of this page. The difference is that this shows the small images as a vertical filmstrip.

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Inline image gallery

This is a gallery script for equally sized images. A fade in - fade out effect is used to move smoothly from one image to the next.

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Image slideshow II

An image slideshow where we are playing with transparency to get a smooth switch between the images.

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Floating gallery with drag&drop

Last updated: Feb, 27th 06, Fixed a problem on pages with scrollbars.

In this gallery, the images are floating. This means that the number of images on each row is determined by the width of the browser window. This script also allows you to rearrange the order of the images by dragging & dropping them.

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Image slideshow

Last updated: August, 2010, Fixed problem with 1px gap in IE8.

This is a script with a preview pane at top, and a sliding filmstrip at the bottom.

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