Table widgets

DHTMLGoodies Grid

A New table widget/Grid script with features such as:

  • Column sort by clicking on Headings
  • Drag and Drop rearrange of Columns.
  • Drag and Drop resize of columns
  • Dynamically show or hide columns
  • Display of data from remote sources (Ajax).

Info and download | Demo

Highlight table rows


Last updated: April, 20th 2006 - New feature: Onclick effect.

This scripts add rollover effects to your table. What you have to do is to specify which table(s) you want to apply this effect to and the name of the CSS class you want to assign rows to on mouse over.

Info and download | Demo

Unobtrusive sortable table script


Last updated: November, 6th 2006 - New feature: Highlight column.

This script add sort features to your table without making any changes to the layout of the table. To apply this feature, the only thing you have to do is to call a javascript function and pass the id of your table and how the columns should be sorted.

Info and download | Demo

Table widget - sortable table with fixed header


This widget transforms a regular HTML table into a fancy, sortable table with a fixed header. Click on the "Demo" link to see how it works.

Info and download | Demo

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