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Misc scripts
Blue left panel
FF,IE5.5+,Op7,Safari 1.3.2
Last updated: April, 23rd 06, Added support for having only one pane expanded at a time.
This scripts creates DHTML panels which looks to the ones you have in Microsoft Windows XP. All you have to do is to use plain HTML to define the content of the panels, and then call a javascript function to initialize it.
Quiz maker
FF,IE, Google Chrome
This script enables you to add question forms and quiz games to your web page quickly and easily.
Triangulation/Eyeballing trainer
This script has been created especially for those involved with drawing or painting, either as a hobby or as a profession. The ability to measure is very important to drawing. Where do you draw the ears, eyes and lips etc. This script will help you improve this skill. It can be trained and become intuitive.
Info | Try mini version | Try standard version
DHTML rounded corners
This script adds rouned corners dynamically to elements on your web page. Just specify id of element, size or rounded corners and which corners you want to have rounded.
Falling text script
A HTML based falling text script. You create the falling items by use of plain HTML. The script searches for these items, determines their positions and starts the slide down effect.
Progress bar
A DHTML progress bar. This script is useful if you have a heavy page that takes long time to load or a time consuming server side process.
Slide in Help Panel
Last updated, oct. 11th: Added support for positioning the panel at top
A "help panel" will slide in from the left when you click on a "help" link or press the F1 key on your keyboard.
Info and download | Demo | Demo 2 | Demo 3 | Demo 4
BMI calculator
A script that calculates Body Mass Index(BMI) and displays it as a graph.
Fit text into a box
A small script that autofits text into it's parent element.
Splash page/Zooming text
Some words zooms out before the content of the page shows.
Very simple typerwriter script.
ref="scripts/typewriter/typewriter.html" onclick="var scriptWin =,'typewriter');scriptWin.focus();return false">Demo >