Download Zooming text script


Put this into your <HEAD> section

Put this into your <body> section


Add words

The words are added to the script with this line:
var textArray = ['Welcome','To',''];

Fonts and colors

Fonts and colors for the words and the "Skip intro" link is specified in the CSS. This is the part for the zooming text:
    font-family: Trebuchet MS, Lucida Sans Unicode, Arial
    color: #317082;

And the "Skip intro" link is set with these lines:
.skipIntro a{

Other options

var maxFontSize = 70; // Maximum font size in pixels
var zoomSpeed = 5; // Lower = Faster
var fontIncrementBy = 2; // Step of font size incrementation ( Higher = faster)
var delayBetweenWords = 300; // Microseconds between each word
var delayAtEnd = 500; // Microseconds delay after last word


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