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AJAX scripts/demos
DHTMLGoodies Grid
A New table widget/Grid script with features such as:
- Column sort by clicking on Headings
- Drag and Drop rearrange of Columns.
- Drag and Drop resize of columns
- Dynamically show or hide columns
- Display of data from remote sources (Ajax).
Ajax scrolling pages
This script loads content from the server and inserts it into an empty HTML element(example a DIV tag) on your page. New pages can be appended dynamically and the script will scroll down to the content of the new pages.
DHTML modal dialog script
This script displays a modal message at the center of the screen. All other page controls are disabled until the message is closed. You can choose between displaying static content inside the message box or content from an external file.
Ajax tooltip
A nice tooltip script where the content of the tooltip is retrieved by Ajax from external files.
Image crop - DHTML user interface
Last updated: August, 28th 08, Resize bugfix.
This script gives you an Image crop/resize DHTML user interface. Drag a rectangle around the area you want to crop. Click the "Crop" button and let Ajax send crop data to the server and the cropped image back to you. PHP uses ImageMagick on the server to crop and convert the image.
Note! I have disabled ImageMagick in the demo.
Ajax dynamic list
Last updated: June, 20th 06, FIxed a problem when typing in lowercase and uppercase letters.
This script shows you a list of options based on what you type into a text input. Example: Type in "A" and Ajax will get you a list of all contries starting with "A".
Ajax - dynamic content
Last updated: August, 6th 08, Added support for callback..
This small generic script makes it easy for you to load content of external files into HTML elements on your page.
Ajax poller
Last updated: June, 5th 06, Added a simple admin tool.
A poller script that uses Ajax to send vote to the server and receives vote results from the server. The results are displayed in some animated graphs.
Fly to basket (Shopping cart)
Last updated: June, 14th 06, Added support for removing products from basket.
This is a DHTML shopping cart module. The products will fly to the shopping basket when you click on the "Add to basket" button. Ajax is used to dynamically update the content of the basket.
DHTML Week planner
Last updated: March, 22nd 06, New feature: Edit events from popup instead of inline textarea.
This is a nice DHTML week planner. It used Ajax to get events/appointments from the server. This script makes it easy for you to move, resize and edit events without having to reload the page. The changes you make are instantly sent to a server so that they could be saved in your database(mySQL, Oracle etc.).
Note! PHP or other server side language is required.
Static list based folder tree
2nd feb. 2006: Added AJAX support, i.e. get nodes from server dynamically.
This is a list based folder tree. What you have to do is to create a <UL><LI> list. The script will then create the tree based on this list. The script uses cookies to remember state of nodes. It also includes functions for expanding/collapsing all nodes.
"Slide in" RSS items
Last updated: Mar, 2nd 06, Added support for a wait message.
This scripts reads RSS feeds from an external source and displays them on your page. Each items appears after a predefined number of seconds by sliding in from the right side.
Note: PHP or other server side language is required.
Simple Ajax RSS ticker script
This very small and simple script reads RSS data from an external source and shows them inside a predefined box(<DIV> or other tag) on your page. What you have to do is to specify the url to the RSS feed, how many items you want to show, and for how many seconds you want the script to display each item.
Note: PHP or other server side language is required.
Dragable RSS boxes
Last updated: October, 28th 06, Preserving box state(expanded or collapsed).
This is is a script that uses Ajax to read data from external RSS sources and display them inside dragable boxes. You can also create new boxes dynamically directly from the page. This is the first version of this script. New functionality will be added to this script during the following weeks and months.
Note: PHP or other server side language is required.
Update a tree with AJAX
This scripts adds an AJAX extension to my static folder tree. Open the demo and press down your mouse button on one of the nodes in thee tree. This will make a text box appear which makes it possible for you to rename nodes. AJAX is used to send this value to the server without reloading the page.
Note: PHP or other server side language is required.
Dynamic client lookup
This script uses AJAX to autofill a form. Open the demo and type in 1001 in the "client ID" text field. AJAX will when you have done this call a script on the server and auto fill the rest of the form with client data.
Note: PHP or other server side language is required.
Chained select boxes
This script uses Ajax to popuplate a select box with cities based on which country you choose.
Note: PHP or other server side language is required.
Dynamically loaded articles
This is a basic example showing you how to use AJAX. In this script, you have a list of article titles at the right side. When you click on one of them, AJAX will be used to request the content of the article from an external file and show it in the main <DIV>.