Download Ajax dynamic content script


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This script is distributed under the LGPL open source license.
Commercial licenses are also available. Some of these licenses also includes personal e-mail support for up to 1 year.

Download files

You can download the script from this Zip file.

Files in package:

  • ajax-dynamic-content.html = Demo HTML file which illustrates how to use this script.
  • js/ajax.js = Ajax (SACK library)
  • js/ajax-dynamic-content.js = Main JS file for this script
  • images/* = Images used in this demo
  • external/* = Dynamic loaded files for this demo

How to use this script

This scripts loads content of external files into a HTML element on your page. This is simply done by calling the Javascript function ajax_loadContent. Example:


This will load the content of the file external/externalfile1.html into the HTML element on your page with id "news1", example: <DIV id="news1"></DIV>

Note! Ajax scripts must be executed over http and not the file system. I.e. from address starting with http://... and not C:\...

Update log

  • December, 3rd, 2006 - Javascript parser has been improved because of problems executing code in global context


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