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Download DG Crop
This script is distributed under the LGPL open source license.
Commercial licenses are also available. Some of these licenses also includes personal e-mail support for up to 1 year.
Download files
You can download the entire script from this Zip file.
Files included in package
- dg-crop.html = Demo HTML file
- js/dg-crop.js = Main Javascript file for this script
- js/effects = Javascript classes used by this script to resize and move the crop area.
- images/ = Images used by the script
- demo-images/ = images used in the demo
- css/dg-crop.css = Cascading style sheet for the script
Simple demo
You can move the crop area and resize it by dragging the handles. You can press the shift key while resizing if you want to preserve aspect ratio.
The script gives you easy access to the coordinates, so that you can send the coordinates to the server where you can perform the physical cropping of the picture.
For a more complex example, try the other demo.
Coordinates for the simple demo (values from the getCoordinates method) :
You need to download and include the mootools js file in order to use this script. The mootools library is available for free at
If you look at the source code of the demo file, you will se a good example on how to use this script.
You create a crop tool by creating a DG.Crop object. The constructor of the DG.Crop class takes two arguments. The first one is the reference to the object you want to crop, the second is a config object. For the available config properties, see below.
Example code (from the demo):
cropObject = new DG.ImageCrop('cropImage', {
lazyShadows : true,
resizeConfig: {
preserveAspectRatio : false
moveConfig : {
keyNavEnabled : true
initialCoordinates : {
left : 150,
top : 150,
width: 500,
originalCoordinates : {
width: 2272,
height : 1704
previewCoordinates : {
width: 600,
height : 450
listeners : {
render : function() {
crop : function() {
To crop the picture, you will typically send the coordinates you get by calling the getCoordinates method to the server. On the server you can use a tool like ImageMagick to crop the picture.
Config properties
These are the available config properties sent to the constructor of the DG.Crop class:
An object with the width and height coordinates for the original picture. If ommited, the previewCoordinates will be used, i.e. an aspect ratio of 1/1
originalCoordinates : {
width: 2272,
height : 1704
An object with the width and height coordinates for the preview picture.
previewCoordinates : {
width: 600,
height : 450
The coordinates for the initial crop area. If ommitted, the crop area will cover the entire picture.
initialCoordinates : {
left : 150,
top : 150,
width: 500,
Event listeners. You can also add events afterwards using the addEvent method
listeners : {
render : function() {
crop : function() {
Config properties for the DG.resize object, i.e. the class used to resize the crop area. See below for the available attributes.
resizeConfig: {
preserveAspectRatio : false,
handles : 'se'
Config properties for the DG.movable object, i.e. the class used to move the crop area. See below for the available attributes.
moveConfig: {
keyNavEnabled : false,
True to position the blue shadows around the crop area after the resize or move is completed instead of during the crop process. default = true
Public methods
getCoordinates : object
Returns the crop coordinates relative to the original picture size
getPreviewCoordinates : object
Returns the crop coordinates relative to the size of the preview picture
maximize : void
The crop area selects the entire picture and fires the beforecrop, crop and aftercrop events.
alignTo : void
Align the crop area to the picture. Possible values: nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se, center, vcenter (vertical center) and hcenter (horizontal center)
addEvent : void
The DG.Crop class extends the Events class of the mootools library. addEvent is a method from this library. You can use it to manually assign render, beforecrop, crop or aftercrop events to your DG.Crop object
For more info regarding the available mootools methods, see the mootools documentation.
Config properties for the DG.resize class
You define which properties you want to use via the resizeConfig object to the constructor of the DG.Crop class.
Position offset for the resize handles. example: 0 = south east handle will be placed inside the bottom right corner. positive value will position the handle outside the edge of the crop area. default = 4
Resize handles to use. possible values: all, nw, n, ne, w, e, sw, s, se. You can specify more than one in a commaseparated string. example. 's,se'
Size of the resize handle. The image used for the resize handle is specified inside dg-crop.css
Maximum width of the crop area. When ommitted, the maximum size will be determined only by the size of the picture you crop
Maximum height of the crop area. When ommitted, the maximum size will be determined only by the size of the picture you crop
Minimum width of the crop area. default = 20
Minimum height of the crop area. default = 20
To preserve aspect ratio, set this value to true. You can also preserve aspect ratio by holding down the shift key while you drag the resize handles
Hides the element during the resize process, and displays a shim element instead. default = false
h2>Events for the DG.resizable classThe DG.resizable class supports the events beforeresize, resize and afterresize.
Config for the DG.movable class
Enables move of crop area by using the arrow keys. default = true
Specify how many pixels to move the crop area when shift + arrow key is pressed. default = 10
Height of move handle (valid css value). default = 100%
Hides the element during the move process, and displays a shim element instead. default = false
Events for the DG.movable class
The DG.movable class supports the events beforemove, move and aftermove.
These are the available events:
This event fires when the widget is fully rendered
This event is fired before the crop area is moved or resized
This event is fired during the crop process, i.e. whenever the crop area is moved or resized.
Fires after the crop is complete, i.e. when the mouse is released after moving or resizing the crop area, or after moving the crop area using the keyboard.
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