Scrolling news

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This script can be used to display scrolling content on your website.


This script is licensed under LGPL. Commercial licenses are also available


Files in package:

  • js/dg-scrolling-content.js - Main javascript file for the widget
  • js/dg-scrolling-content-autoload.js - Javascript file to include when you want to apply maxlength control automatically without any manual configuration
  • js/external/* - Mootools library used by the script


Vacant positions

1) Marketing manager position

We are seeking a new Marketing manager

2) General Manager

We are seeking a new General Manager

3) Headline with link

Click on this to go to

4) Vacant Position

We are seeking a new General Manager

5) Software developer needed

Required knowledge: PHP, Javascript, CSS, HTML. Experience with unit-testing is a plus.

6)Software tester

We are seeking a manual tester for our software products.

7) Support personel

We are looking for a nice person to our support department. You will be assisting our clients in using our software effectively.

8) General Manager

We are seeking a new General Manager

9) General Manager

We are seeking a new General Manager

10) General Manager

We are seeking a new General Manager

How to configurate

Include javascript file(s)

You need to include the javascript file dg-scrolling-content.js and the mootools file js/external/mootools-1.2.4-core-yc.js in order to use this script

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/external/mootools-1.2.4-core-yc.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/dg-scrolling-content.js"></script>

Automatic config

If you want the script to be initialized automatically (with default config), just include dg-scrolling-content-autoload.js

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/dg-scrolling-content-autoload.js"></script>

Manual config

This script can also be configured manually with Javascript. This is an example:

<script type="text/javascript">
var scrollingNews = new DG.ScrollingContent({
  el : 'scrollingContent',
  pause : 2.5

Available config options to the constructor

  • el (Required) - Reference to the scrolling content element
  • pause - Pause in seconds between each slide/scroll
  • scrollPixels and scrollTimeout - Options to use in case you want a faster, slower or smoother scroll effect. Default values: 4 and 20


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